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  • Where is the time chip?
    It is integrated into the bib, and there is no need to return it. - It is included in the bib, and there is no need to return it.
  • Do I have to return my bib after the race?
    No, you can use it as you wish, whether you participated or not. - No, you can dispose of it as you wish, whether you participated or not.
  • Je ne pourrai pas participer à la course, puis-je transmettre mon dossard à une autre personne? I will not be able to participate in the race, can I give my number to another person?"
    Non, en aucun cas le dossard ne peut être transmis à une tierce personne.
  • Do I receive confirmation after my registration?
    When registering online (MSO), a confirmation is sent to you by MSO via e-mail as soon as the registration is complete, after payment. - When registering via internet (MSO), a confirmation is sent to you by MSO via e-mail at the end of the registration, after payment.
  • I signed up, but I’m not on the starting list. Is that normal?
    For online registrations (MSO), it may take 24 hours for your registration to appear on the start list, which is updated every night. - For Internet (MSO) registrations, 24 hours may elapse before your registration appears on the departure list, which is updated every night.
  • I will not be able to participate in the race, can I get a refund?
    No, there are no refunds. Please refer to our general regulations. If you have taken out cancellation insurance when registering online, please contact the insurance company directly, whose contact details can be found in this document. - No, there is no refund. Please refer to our general rules. If you have taken out cancellation insurance when registering online, please contact the insurance company directly, the contact details of which can be found in this document.
  • Can I remove someone else’s bib?
    Yes, to do this, please present proof of registration or an identity document of the runner, or a photocopy of one of these documents. - Yes, to do so, please provide the runner's proof of registration or identification, or a photocopy of one of these documents.
  • I don’t have a credit card, how do I register?
    When you register on the timekeeper's website, you have the option of requesting an invoice. - When registering on the timekeeper's website, you can request an invoice
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